Beware Of Infection Of The Digestive Tract If Slimy Baby CHAPTER

You ought to be watchful and worried if your baby is experiencing a slimy CHAPTER. This is one sign of the onset of infection in the baby's digestive tract. Various things can be the cause of the occurrence of this condition. This article will discuss the various causes of the slimy baby CHAPTER as well as how the handling right for the condition. Happy reading!

The Slimy Baby CHAPTER, whether the cause?
In the newborn up to age 1 month, there was a bit of mucus or foam on his CHAPTER is still normal. However, if this condition continues until it reaches the age of 3 months, you must be aware of a few other things cause CHAPTER slimy:

1. Cow milk Allergy

The alert condition is allergic to cow's milk if your baby is experiencing continuous slimy chapter until the age of 3 months. Allergy on cow milk means that your baby is experiencing allergies on almost all the derivative products of the cow. The baby will continue to experience a CHAPTER with mucus when consuming foodstuffs containing beef protein.

The CHAPTER not only slimy, allergic conditions may also appear on a baby's skin. Redness and swelling may occur especially on areas of the face. Without the need to wait 3 months, baby cow's milk allergy is positive will show an allergic reaction as has been mentioned above.

2. Dysentery

Dysentery is an infection of the digestive tract mainly the intestines. The disease is caused by the bacteria Shigella and parasite Entamoeba histolitica (amoebasis) who attacks the baby's digestion. In Indonesia, including the endemic disease that occur throughout the year. Common residents living in neighborhoods dense with poor sanitation conditions.

Bacteria and parasites cause dysentery spreads through a dirty environment. Polluted drinking water as well as the habit of not washing your hands after CHAPTER became one of the risk factors of transmission of this disease. Not just mucus, a CHAPTER on a baby who suffered from dysentery usually also be found fresh blood and the baby will often cranky.

3. Irritation of the digestive tract

Irritation of the digestive tract is also known by the medical term gastrointestinal irritation also often become the cause of a slimy baby CHAPTER. Unlike with dysentery, on the condition that attacks the baby's digestive tract is a virus-Rotavirus. Signs symptoms of Rotavirus infected newborn babies are the most apparent is vomiting (vomiting and diarrhea) and the consistency of feces or feces are liquid and slimy.

Because the virus is to be the main cause of this disease, then administering antibiotics typically will not solve the problem of CHAPTER due to irritation in the slimy digestive tract. This condition can be life threatening when prolonged babies due to prolonged dehydration.

In addition to viruses, some bacteria like Escheria coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter are some bacterial species also cause symptoms of irritation. Keep the environment clean and get used to washing hands is a powerful way to prevent the occurrence of these symptoms.

4. Intusepsi

Intusepsi is one of the types of disease presence of obstruction or blockage in the intestine that occurs frequently and is known in infants aged 3 months to 1 year. Intusepsi occurs when there is a section of the intestine caught in another part of the bowel. This resulted in the blockage of the bowel are not able to digest properly, can appear slimy CHAPTER symptoms accompanied by blood. Even so the baby will spew out the contents of the stomach before the food reaches his bowels.

In addition to the CHAPTER of his slimy and bloody, the baby looked healthy again usually seem to cry out in pain. Both legs lifted up simultaneously, the baby can even experience seizures and pale due to withstand pain from the condition intusepsi. Recurrent abdominal pain can occur with a distance of 15-20 minutes long and the pain is between 2 and 3 minutes.

Intusepsi condition kegawatan is a condition in infants must soon got a response at the health service center closest to you. Baby boy tend to experience this disease. The actions of emergency surgery is the medical actions that can be performed when there is this condition.

How Appropriate Handling for infants who experience CHAPTER Slimy?
If you know the chapter that slimy on your baby, then immediately following the 5 steps you need to perform. The following explanation:

1. Fill your baby's Hydration Needs Fixed

Infants who experience CHAPTER slimy will usually be accompanied by vomiting and this gave the conditions of dehydration or lack of fluids in the body of the baby. But water is the framer of the 80% of the cells in his body. Prolonged dehydration can be life threatening. So one of the main ways is to still meet the needs of the hydration of the infant.

If your baby is still in the age of less than 6 months. Then the breast feeding you should optimize. For babies who are having cow's milk allergy, you can give hipoalergenik (HA) milk or soya milk as a substitute for breast milk. Notice the measure of making the formula correctly. Because the milk is too dilute to cause the nutrients cannot be absorbed in the body of the child. While the milk is too thick will cause constipation and a variety of other digestive health issues.

For babies who have entered the age of MPASI, you can provide additional food intake which contain lots of water and gravy. If the condition of the baby not being able to swallow and experience a decrease in appetite. Then installation of infusion should be made to save the baby from the risk of dehydration and death.

2. Administering Drugs

The drugs will be given after you consult a specialist doctor and found the child. The drugs are usually given antibiotics and fever reliever that simultaneously contain pain relief. Note always wrap packaging, expiration date, how to use the drug and dose should be administered at the ages of a baby.

3. give the added Probiotic

The digestive tract is the shield of the onset of various diseases especially those that cause baby CHAPTER slimy. Several infectious diseases of the digestive tract occurs when the existence of an imbalance of the number of normal flora by pathogenic bacteria or the causes of diseases of the digestive tract of an infant.

Probiotic is one way to keep the balance of normal flora in the digestive tract of an infant. The doctor will prescribe probiotics and Mother can minumkan together with the giving of milk or juice.

4. give foods high Protein low calorie High Fiber

Foods high in protein and high in calories but low in fiber is needed when your baby has entered the age of MPASI. Note also the groceries as the basis for making the MPASI should be tailored to the age of its growth.

Low fiber food ingredients must be given to infants who experienced an infection or irritation of the digestive tract. Because the walls of her intestines are experiencing inflammation during infection or irritation. So feeding is too high in fiber can injure a back channel pencernaannya.

Note also the process as long as you cook. Use water that is clean and not polluted. Always make sure to cook the ingredients until cooked food with a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius. To kill and deadly bacteria that live in the raw food materials.

5. Start the habit of Washing Hands

Hand-washing is a habit that should be implemented. Especially when You have a baby. Always wash your hands before touching the baby, especially before and after change his diaper. The various causes of communicable infections occur due to the hands of caregivers who lack food hygiene and the environment around the baby. Always prepare the antiseptic gels in every corner of the House. Infectious diseases of the digestive tract of an infant can be contagious in adults and include you as a handler.

Thus information on baby CHAPTER slimy, causes as well as the right way of handling a baby with the condition of the CHAPTER that is slimy. Don't wait long to memeriksanakan your baby's condition. Immediately visit the nearest Healthcare Center for the care and handling of mendapatkankan appropriately. May be useful and hopefully our family members are protected from a variety of health hazards. Greetings!